21 books • 4 series
Transnational & Multinational Corporations in the Global Economy
The Rise of China in the Global Economy
The Causes and Geographical Impacts of War in Afghanistan
The Rise (& Fall) of the BRICS in the Global Economy
Western Interactions with Japan: Expansions, the Armed Forces and Readjustment 1859-1956
Origins of the Korean War, The: Second Edition
English Journeys
Success and Spirituality
Ulverston (Images of England)
Christian Romanticism
Basic Principles of Plates and Slabs
The Stone Tables
The Korean War (Twentieth Century Wars) (Twentieth-Century Wars (Palgrave Hardcover))
The Origins of the Korean War (Origins Of Modern Wars)
Containing the Cold War in East Asia
Western Interactions With Japan
Animal Powered Systems
Britain in the Far East
Great Britain and the Origins of the Pacific War
Great Britain and Japan, 1911-1915
Great Britain and Japan 1911-15