15 books • 4 series
Child sexual abuse in foster and kinship care, special guardianship and adoption: Learning from safeguarding reviews 2007-2022
Protecting looked after and adopted children from sexual abuse in care: A guide for professionals
Caring for Children who have experienced Domestic Abuse
Safeguarding Children Living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: Learning from Case Reviews: 2007-2019
Safeguarding Children Living with Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians: A Guide to Reflective Practice
Parenting A Child Affected by Domestic Violence
Children's needs - parenting capacity
The Integrated Children's System
Parental Learning Disability and Children's Needs
Child Protection, Domestic Violence and Parental Substance Misuse (Quality Matters in Childrens Services)
Assessing Children's Needs and Circumstances
Fostering family contact (Studies in Evaluating the Children Act 1989)
Assessing Risk in Child Protection (Policy, Practice, Research S.)
Vulnerable Children in Schools
Foster Home Breakdown (Practice of Social Work)