Gregory Moorhead is an associate professor of management at Arizona State University. He attended Texas Tech University and the University of Houston. He earned his BSIE, M.B.A., and Ph.D. in organizational behavior and management. He joined the faculty at ASU in 1978 and has taught courses in management principles, management policy and strategy, personnel management, and operations management, as well as graduate seminars in organizational behavior and international management. Dr. Moorhead has written numerous articles that have been published in leading managerial journals, including ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW, HUMAN RELATIONS, ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, and others. His research focuses on the fields of groupthink, group decision-making, job design, leadership, and organization structure. He frequently travels internationally with his students, giving him a unique first-hand perspective on numerous global topics.