47 books • 1 series
The Priest and the Huguenot; A Sermon in the City Volume 2
Three Days in the Life of a Father
The Preacher and the King; Or, Bourdaloue in the Court of Louis XIV, Being an Account of the Pulpit Eloquence of That Distinguished Era
Ptie. Un Sermon À La Ville...
Quelques Mots Au Juif Errant [d'eugene Sue]...
The Preacher and the King, or Bourdaloue in the Court of Louis XIV
The Preacher and the King
Abramo Lincoln
France Before the Revolution, Or, Priests, Infidels, and Huguenots in the Reign of Louis XV
The Priest and the Huguenot Volume 1; A Sermon at Court
Voltaire and His Times
The Priest and the Huguenot, Or, Persecution in the Age of Louis XV Volume 1
Bourdaloue in the Court of Louis XIV.
A Sermon in the City
Rome Et La Bible
Voltaire Et Son Temps (2); Etudes Sur Le Dix-Huitieme Siecle
Abraham Lincoln
Rome Et Le Coeur Humain (1861)
Julian, Or, the Close of an Era
History of the Council of Trent...
Pape Et Concile Au Xixe Siecle
Trois Sermons Sous Louis XV