10 books
Reflexions Sur l'Etat Actuel de la Grande-Bretagne, Comparativement Avec Son Etat Passe, Tant Politique Que Civil, & Sur Son Commerce, Accompagnees de Quelques Pensees Touchant l'Emigration.
Comparative Reflections on the Past and Present
Considerations on the present situation of Great Britain and the United States of America
Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol
Considerations on the Present Situation of Great Britain and the United States of America; With a View to Their Future Commercial Connexions. Containing Remarks Upon the Pamphlet Published by Lord Sheffield, Entitled "Observations on the Commerce of the a
Reflexions sur l'etat actuel de la Grande-Bretagne, comparativement avec son etat passe, tant politique que civil, & sur son commerce, accompagnees de quelques pensees touchant l'emigration.
Considerations on the Present Situation of Great Britain and the United States of North America, with a View to Their Future Commercial Connections
Considerations on the present situation of Great Britain and the United States of America, with a view to their future commercial connexions The second ed, with great additions To which is now first added, the plan of an act of Parliamen
Comparative Reflections on the Past and Present Political, Commercial, and Civil State of Great Britain
Comparative Reflections on the Past and Present Political, Commercial, and Civil State of Great Britain; With Some Thoughts Concerning Emigration