Unfolding Origami (80pp, 2015) won the Cinnamon Press Poetry Collection Award, and Past Imperfect, his second full-length poetry collection, is forthcoming from Cinnamon Press. Exit Wounds is David's fourth poetry chapbook. Previous chapbooks include Sailing to Atlantis (Finishing Line Press, 2013), New World Elegies (Finishing Line Press, 2011), and Greatest Hits (Pudding Publications, 2001). Since 2012 he has placed work with Blueline, Lunch Ticket, Vermont Literary Review, The Aurorean, Pinyon, Pilgrimage, Pedestal, Bloodroot Literary Magazine, San Pedro River Review, Turtle Island Quarterly, California State Poetry Society Poetry Letter, Scintilla, Strong Voices, Touch: The Journal of Healing, Poetry and Business, Cyclamens and Swords, Ash & Bones, Devilfish Review, Wordgathering, Pyrokinection, and anthologies from Main Street Rag (2), Concrete Wolf, Mutabilis, TulipTree, WaterWood, Blue Lyra, San Francisco Peace and Hope (2), and Kind of a Hurricane Press (3) (US); Acumen, Envoi, Poetry News, South, The Interpreter's House, Frogmore Papers, Orbis, Prole, Proletarian Poetry, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, The Journal, Lunar Poetry, London Journal of Fiction, SAW Poetry, The Dawntreader, Gold Dust, The Stare's Nest, Morphrog, and anthologies from Cinnamon Press (5), Templar Poetry (2), Belgrave Press, University of London's Human Rights Consortium, Albion Beatnik (2), Theatre Cloud (2), and Babel (UK); Poetry Salzburg Review (Austria); The French Literary Review (France); ROPES (Ireland); The Deronda Review (Israel/US); and an academic anthology from Sense (Netherlands). A poet and playwright with a BA in chemistry from University of California-Berkeley and an MA in creative writing from San Francisco State University, David was formerly an energy economist, management consultant, and performing arts critic. He has lived in Oxford since 2002.