339 books • 6 series
John Lyly's Mother Bombie
John Lyly's Endymion, The Man in the Moon
John Lyly's Galatea
John Lyly's Midas
Nancy Garden's Annie on My Mind
Voltaire's Candide
John Lyly's Campaspe
How to Manage Your Money, or Down and Out in Athens, Ohio
John Lyly's Sappho and Phao
John Lyly's Love's Metamorphosis
Margaret Cavendish's The Unnatural Tragedy
The Funniest People in Movies
The Funniest People in Television and Radio
J.W. Gent.'s The Valiant Scot
George Chapman, Ben Jonson, and John Marston's Eastward Ho! A Retelling
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
William Shakespeare's King John
William Shakespeare's 2 Henry IV, aka Henry IV, Part 2
Christopher Marlowe's Tamburlaine
Ben Jonson's The Magnetic Lady, or Humors Reconciled (1632)
Ben Jonson's The Fountain of Self-Love, or Cynthia's Revels
Ben Jonson's A Tale of a Tub
Ben Jonson's Volpone, or the Fox
Ben Jonson's The Arraignment, or Poetaster