Blake Sinclair is an author of three books about spirituality, metaphysics, life and healthy living ( Dare to Imagine: 18 Principles for Finding Peace, Happiness, and True Success, Beyond Imagination: A Path to God and the Divine Realm and A New Beginning: An Antidote to Civilization). He is also a Mystic, spiritual teacher, life and certified Health Coach, Licensed Occupational Therapist (specializing in neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation), Holistic Health Practitioner, Reiki practitioner, Energy Medicine practitioner, blogger, lecturer, and an entrepreneur. He has also received formal training with clinical hypnosis, acupressure and Psych-K. He has studied with various renowned spiritual masters, teachers and gurus including Peter Mt. Shasta throughout the years. After his spiritual and nutritional awakening, he began studying with various nutritionists and later successfully completed his training as a certified Health Coach. Much of what Blake has written in his book is based on his experiences, extensive research throughout the years and interviews from various health experts. With regards to his certification training, he offers private coaching sessions on health and wellness. He guides his clients on optimizing their health needs and goals through guidance and support with lifestyle changes, exercise, attitude and nutrition. Some of the following services he offers include: how to optimize brain, heart, digestive and vascular support including those with dementia, heart diseases and inflammatory disorders including those suffering from pain. He also teaches his client's on how to unlock and activate their internal pharmacy (Dr. Sears calls this the fountain of youth) to support wellness and longevity. It goes beyond the scope of this book to include all the above information so he offers teachings to his clients but may write more about it in the future. He uses his diverse background - Western and Eastern techniques and wisdom, knowledge of nutrition and health, connection to the Divine and his 30 years in the medical field to facilitate the healing process for his clients. He is also the founder of U.U.M.M. meditation system and the I AM Wellness Method. He has dedicated his life to sharing his spiritual secrets and cutting-edge information on wellness and spirituality. His dream is to empower as many people as possible to discover their true and Divine Nature so that they may be free from suffering and begin to live in joy, love, peace and radiant health. His goal is to help create greater peace and unity on Earth by guiding as many people as possible toward the path of enlightenment and God Realization. His hobbies include travelling, cooking, singing, hiking, birdwatching, whale watching, earthing on the beach, star and moon gazing, listening to spiritual, classical and folk music (Indian and Japanese) as well as contemporary music and muscicals, collecting sacred crystals, spending time in his Zen Garden and Fish Sanctuary, visiting sacred places and spending time with his family and canine family members- Hazel Reia and Coco Lakshmi, both are King Charles Cavaliers. Besides his books and blogs, he also works at the community level at outreach programs to promote interfaith unity. He is also actively involved with the S.O.P.P (Symphony of Peace Prayer) group with its global prayer programs. Visit him at