47 books
Vindication of the Truth of Christian Religion Against the Objections of All Modern Opposers (Volume 2)
The Deity of Jesus Christ Essential to the Christian Religion; A Treatise on the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Vindication of the Truth of Christian Religion Against the Objections of All Modern Opposers (Volume 1); Against the Objections of All Modern Opposers
Traite de La Verite de La Religion Chretienne, Ou L'On Etablit La Religion Chretienne Par Ses Propres Caracteres (2 )
L'Art de Se Connaitre Soi-Meme, Ou Recherches Des Sources de La Morale
The Deity of Jesus Christ Essential to the Christian Religion
L'Art de Se Connaitre Soi-Meme Ou La Recherche Des Sources de la Morale
Traite de La Divinite de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ
Histoire de La Derniere Conspiration D'Angleterre, Avec Le Detail Des Diverses Entreprises Contre Le Roy Et La Nation, Qui Ont Preced'e Ce Dernier Attentat (1696)
Panegyrique de Marie Reine d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, de France, & d'Irlande de Glorieuse & Immortelle Memoire. Decedee A Kensington Le 28. Decembre 1694. Par J. Abbadie D. En T. Ministre de la Savoye. (1695)
The History of the Late Conspiracy Against the King and the Nation with a Particular Account of the Lancashire Plot, and All the Other Attempts and Machinations of the Disaffected Party Since His Majesty's Accession to the Throne (1696)
A Panegyric on Our Late Sovereign Lady Mary Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, of Glorious and Immortal Memory Who Died at Kensington, on the 28th of December, 1694 / By James Abbadie ... (1694)
Chemical Change in the Eucharist
Chemical Change in the Eucharist; In Four Letters Shewing the Relations of Faith to Sense
The Great and Stupendious Mystery of Man's Salvation by Jesus Christ, Asserted and Defended, in Proving from the Old and New Testaments, ... That He Is God Coeternal with the Father
La Theologie de St. Paul, Ou Le Pur Christianisme Explique Dans Un Sermon Sur Les Paroles de St. Paul, I. Cor. Chap. 2. V. 2. ... Par J. Abbadie ...
Le Regne Glorieux de J. C. Sur La Terre. Ou Sermon Sur Le Psaume LXXII. Prononc a St. Patrick, Par Le Dr. Abbadie ... Au Mois D'Octobre de L'An 1714. Devant Le Corps Des Officiers Franois, ...
The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Asserted and Defended Against the Objections of the Arrians, Demy-Arrians, and Socinians. Written in French by James Abbadie, D.D. and Now Rendred Into English. Vol. III. Volume 3 of 3
The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Asserted and Defended Against the Objections of the Arrians, Demy-Arrians, and Socinians. Written in French by James Abbadie, D.D. and Now Rendred Into English.
A Sovereign Antidote Against Arian Poyson
Traite de La Verite de La Religion Chretienne . Volume 2
Chemical Change in the Eucharist, in Four Letters, from the Fr. by J.W. Hamersley
Traite de La Verite de La Religion Chretienne