32 books
Chats On Old Sheffield Plate
Chats On Old Earthernware
Chats on English China (Classic Reprint)
Chats on Old Clocks (Classic Reprint)
Chats on Old Silver (Classic Reprint)
Chats on Cottage and Farmhouse Furniture (Classic Reprint)
Chats on Royal Copenhagen Porcelain (Classic Reprint)
Chats on Old Earthenware (Classic Reprint)
Spode and His Successors (Classic Reprint)
The Furniture Designs of Thomas Chippendale; - Scholar's Choice Edition
Spode and His Successors - Primary Source Edition
Royal Copenhagen Porcelain
Chats on Old Furniture (Illustrated Edition)
Thomas Chippendale and His Style - A Concise Look at the Most Distinguished English Craftsman
George Hepplewhite - A Collection of His Finest Works
A History of the Windsor Chair - Including Descriptions of the Tavern Chair, Pleasure Garden Chairs and the Chippendale Style
The Masterpieces of Thomas Chippendale - A Short Biography and His Famous Catalogue
The Evolution of the Chair from the 1600s to the 1900s
Antique Furniture of the Seventeenth Century - Descriptions of the Designers and Styles of the Period
The Furniture Designs of Chippendale, Hepplewhite and Sheraton
Spode and His Successors
The Furniture Designs of Thomas Chippendale
Chats On English China
Chats on Old Earthenware