Christopher Locke was born in New Hampshire and received his MFA from Goddard College. His poems, fiction, criticism, and essays have appeared in, among others, The North American Review, Poets & Writers, The Rumpus, Another Chicago Magazine, Poetry East, SmokeLong Quarterly, Verse Daily, Southwest Review, Slice, Spillway, ARC (Canada), The Literary Review, The Sun, (Canada), West Branch, Rattle, Agenda (England), 32 Poems, Rhino, Saranac Review, The Stinging Fly (Ireland), The Southeast Review, Barrelhouse, JMWW, The Adirondack Review, and NPR's Morning Edition and Ireland's Radio One. He won the 2018 Black River Chapbook Award (Black Lawrence Press-2020) for his collection of short stories 25 Trumbulls Road. His new book of poems, MUSIC FOR GHOSTS (NYQ Books), and memoir WITHOUT SAINTS (Black Lawrence Press) are both forthcoming in 2022. Locke received the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Award, and grants in poetry from Fundacion Valparaiso (Spain), the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts. He has been nominated for Best of the Net and The Pushcart Prize many times. Chris lives in the Adirondacks where he teaches English at North Country Community College.