23 books
Accounting for business combinations
Improving insurance for consumers
The Ryan White Care Act Amendments of 2000
Strategic petroleum reserve
Prescription drugs
Securing the health of the American people
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997
Recent developments in privacy protections for consumers
A review of the FCC's spectrum policies for the 21st century and H.R. 4758, the Spectrum Resource Assurance Act
The Patient Protection Act of 2000
Decimal conversion 2000
Internet Gambling Prohibition Act of 1999
Consumer safety initiatives
National energy power
Medicaid provider enrollment
The Rural Local Broadcast Signal Act
Price fluctuations in oil markets
The status of deployment of data services
The report of the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce
Remediation of uranium and thorium processing sites
The global need for access to safe drinking water
Reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism
Oversight of Department of Energy Recovery Act spending