710 books • 2 series
Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq., on American Taxation; April 19, 1774
The Annual Register of World Events (Volume 127); A Review of the Year
The Annual Register of World Events (Volume 117); A Review of the Year
The Annual Register of World Events Volume 109; A Review of the Year
The Annual Register of World Events (Volume 124); A Review of the Year
The Annual Register of World Events (Volume 116); A Review of the Year
The Annual Register (Volume 117)
Annual Register Volume 145
Mr. Burke's Speech, on the Motion Made for Papers; Relative to the Directions for Charging the Nabob of Arcot's Private Debts to Europeans, on the REV
The Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq. on Moving His Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. Ed. by W. MacDonald
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke (Volume 8)
Annual Register (Volume 106)
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke Volume 5; Charge Against Warren Hastings Concluded. Political Letters
The Speeches of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke in the House of Commons and in Westminster Hall; In Four Volumes
The Epistolary Correspondence of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke and D. French Laurence; Publ. from the Original Manuscripts
Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societia -Es in London Relative to That Event
The Speeches of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke in the House of Commons and in Westminster Hall (Volume 4); In Four Volumes
The Annual Register Volume 139
The Works and Correspondence Ofedmund Burke (Volume 6)
The Epistolary Correspondence of the Right Hon Edmund Burke and Dr. French Lawrence; Published from the Original Manuscripts
Maxims and Opinions, Moral, Political and Economical, with Characters, from the Works of Edmund Burke (Volume 1)
The Beauties of Burke; Consisting of Selections from His Works
Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq; On American Taxation. Also, the Speech of the Right Honourable the Earl of Chatham, in the House of Lords, on Friday the 20th of January, 1775
Two Letters on the Conduct of Our Domestick Parties, with Regard to French Politicks; Including "Observations on the Conduct of the Minority, in the Session of M.DCC.XCIII."