58 books • 3 series
The Black Ancient Egyptians
African Religion Volume 4-Asarian Theology
The Kemetic Diet
The Serpent Power
African Religion Volume 2
The Glorious Light Meditation System of Ancient Egypt
The African Origins Volume 1
Egyptian Mysteries Vol 2- Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
African Dionysus
Egyptian Proverbs
The Ancient Egyptian Buddha
Parent's Guide to the Ausarian Resurrection
Self-Publish Your Own Book: a Path of Spiritual Fulfilment
EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES VOL. 3 The Priests and Priestesses of Ancient Egypt
From Egypt to Greece
Egypt and India
African Origins Volume 2
The Secret of the Blooming Lotus
African Religion Vol. 1- Anunian Theology the Mysteries of Ra the Philosophy of Anu and the Mystical Teachings of the Ancient Egyptian Creation Myth
The Story of Asar, Aset and Heru
Egyptian Yoga Postures of the GOds and Goddesses (Philosophy of Righteous Action)
Initiation into Egyptian Yoga
Mystical Journey from Jesus to Christ