70 books • 15 series
GR Evans lectures in history in the University of Cambridge. Her books include works on Anselm, Augustine, Gregory the Great and Bernard of Clairvaux.
Discipline and Justice
The Reception of the Faith
The Church and the Churches
Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages
Problems of Authority in the Reformation Debates
Authority in the Church
Anselm (Outstanding Christian Thinkers)
God on Our Terms (Questions about Christianity: believing in God, #1)
The Human Tug of War (Questions about Christianity: human nature & destiny, #2)
Baptism (Questions about Christianity: talking about unity, #3)
How the Bible Was Written (Questions about Christianity: believing in God, #3)
The Consequences (Questions about Christianity: what do Christians believe?, #5)
Assurance and Affirmation (Questions about Christianity: what do Christians believe?, #1)
The Bible: God Talking to Us? (Questions about Christianity: believing in God, #2)
Redeeming Evil (Questions about Christianity: the problem of evil, #4)
Is Death an Evil? (Questions about Christianity: the problem of evil, #6)
What is Man Meant to be? (Questions about Christianity: human nature & destiny, #5)
Jesus is Lord (Questions about Christianity: what do Christians believe?, #3)
God and the World (Questions about Christianity: what do Christians believe?, #4)
Human Responsibility (Questions about Christianity: human nature & destiny, #6)
Is God Punishing Us? (Questions about Christianity: the problem of evil, #3)
What is Human? (Questions about Christianity: human nature & destiny, #1)
Natural and Supernatural: Evidence from the Universe (Questions about Christianity: believing in God, #4)
Holy Communion: the Seal of Unity (Questions about Christianity: talking about unity, #6)