Dr. Linda Barboa's journey as an author began 7 years ago after a long career as a Speech Language Pathologist. Kyleigh became an author by sharing an office with Grandma Linda. From the age of three, Kyleigh wanted a desk next to Grandma's computer. She loved to get a big piece of paper and write stories in red crayon, while Grandma worked on her books. During that time Dr. Barboa wrote over 30 books including several on autism and many children's books. When Kyleigh was in first grade, she decided she finally had the skills and imagination needed to write a real book. When asked what she wanted to write about she said I want to tell people how to be good parents. I have good parents and I want all kids to have parents as good as mine. Two books later and one in process, she is still sitting by Grandma's desk as they both continue the Barboa tradition of writing books. The pair of authors have each been honored with awards for their writing. Along with having received some 5 STAR reviews from numerous global book review groups, Kyleigh recently received an award from the Greater St. Louis Police, known as the Do the Right Thing! Award. Dr. Barboa has been honored with the Jefferson Award for Public Service, and the State of Missouri's Innovation Award for a program she authored to create Autism Friendly Cities in Missouri.