33 books • 7 series
Blood Country (Honeymoon from Hell, #2)
Gathering Storm
Blue Saint
White Ops
Too Secret Service (Williams and Miller, #1)
Dances with Werewolves
Supernatural Streets
Clerical Error (A Professor James Mystery, #1)
Coven (Saint Tommy, NYPD, #7)
Planetary Anthology Series
Deus Vult (Saint Tommy, NYPD, #6)
Crusader (Saint Tommy, NYPD, #5)
City of Shadows (Saint Tommy, NYPD, #4)
Infernal Affairs (Saint Tommy, NYPD, #3)
Death Cult (Saint Tommy, NYPD, #2)
Hell Spawn (Saint Tommy, NYPD, #1)
Demons are Forever (Love at First Bite, #2)
Good to the Last Drop (Love at First Bite, #4)
Live and Let Bite (Love at First Bite, #3)
Murphy's Law of Vampires
Set to Kill (Murder Con, #2)
Sad Puppies Bite Back
For All Their Wars are Merry