12 books
The Equity Draftsman; Being a Selection of Forms of Pleading in Suits in Equity Volume 2
The Equity Draftsman; Being a Selection of Forms of Pleading in Suits in Equity
Select English Poetry, with Notes by E. Hughes
Outlines of Physical Geography; Descriptive of the Inorganic Matter of the Globe, and the Distribution of Organized Beings Designed for the Use of Schools and Private Reading
A Compendium of the Operations of the Poor Law Amendment ACT; With Some Practical Observations on Its Present Results, and Future Apparent Usefulness
Select Specimens of English Prose [Ed.] by E. Hughes
Select Specimens of English Poetry
Outlines of Scripture Geography and History; Illustrating the Historical Portions of the Old and New Testaments
Reading Lessons, Ed. by E. Hughes
Geography for Elementary Schools
A Compendium of the Operations of the Poor Law Amendment ACT
Hughes's Outlines of Physical Geography