11 books • 1 series
Engravings of the Cardiac Nerves, the Nerves of the Ninth Pair, the Glosso-Pharyngeal, and the Pharyngeal Branch of the Pneumo-Gastric: Copied From the "Tabulae Neurologicae (Classic Reprint)
de Anatome, Et Pathologia Ossium Commentarii
Trait de L Op Ration de La Taille, Ou M Moires Anatomiques Et Chirurgicaux Sur Les Diff Rentes M Thodes Employ Es Pour Pratiquer Cette Op Ration
Trait Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux, Ou Exp Riences Et Observations Sur Les Maladies Qui Affectent Ces Organes, Volume 1
Engravings of the Cardiac Nerves, the Nerves of the Ninth Pair, the Glosso-Pharyngeal, and the Pharyngeal Branch of the Pneomo-Gastric
Saggio Di Osservazioni Sul Taglio Retto-Vescicale Per l'Estrazione Della Pietra Dalla Vescica Orinaria
A Treatise on the Anatomy, Pathology and Surgical Treatment of Aneurism, with Engravings
Tratado de Las Enfermedades de Los Ojos (1)
de Penitiori Ossium Structura Commentarius
Saggio Di Osservazioni E D'Esperienze Sulle Principali Malattie Degli Occhi...
Ion-Motive Atpases (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 671)