Owen Barfield (1898-1997) is one of the twentieth century's most original and influential literary figures. As an author and philosopher, he rallied against 'positivism' and was instrumental in bringing about a new awareness of the spiritual world that would eventually result in the "New Age" movement. He lived to see with satisfaction how alternative ways of thinking have begun to transform the limited positivist mindset. Early on, Barfield developed his theory of 'The Evolution of Consciousness', based on an understanding of imagination as the highest human ability, "as a vessel by which divinity passes down into humanity." His fellow Inklings C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien are among the leading figures influenced by Barfield's work. Tolkien's linguistic and literary philosophy were influenced by Barfield's theories. For Lewis, he was a life-long friend and creative partner. Indeed, Owen Barfield was 'Romanticism' personified.