43 books • 1 series
Instructor's Manual for The Struggle for Democracy
Living with the Dragon (Contemporary Asia in the World)
Transparencies for The Struggle for Democracy
PowerPoint Presentation for America's Democratic Republic
Instructor's Manual & Test Bank (Download only) for America's Democratic Republic
MyTest Test Bank for The Struggle for Democracy
MyTest Test Bank for America's Democratic Republic
Test Item File for Blackboard Standard (Download only) for The Struggle for Democracy
PowerPoint Presentation for The Struggle for Democracy
Test Item File for Blackboard (WebCT) CE/Vista for The Struggle for Democracy
MyLab Political Science -- Pearson eText Upgrade -- for The Struggle for Democracy
Test Item File for Blackboard/CourseCompass (Download only)
Test Item File for Blackboard and CourseCompass
PowerPoint Presentation (Download Only)
Companion Website
The Struggle for Democracy, the:Election Update, (Hardcover), with LP.Com Access Card
Marxism and Spirituality
PowerPoint Presentation (Download only) for America's Democratic Republic
Transparencies (Download only) for The Struggle for Democracy