49 books • 13 series
Necromantic Shenanigans
Jarl (Legends of the Travelers, #2)
Freshman Year Freaks (The Clanless, #3)
Summer Break Blues (The Clanless, #2)
The Toy Maker
Saga (Legends of the Travelers)
Into the West
Brown, Ghost Hunting Dog
Sabaska's Quest (Tales of the Travelers, #2)
Steampunk Trails 2
Senior Year Bites (The Clanless, #1)
Science Fiction Trails 11
Time Ark
Happily Ever Afterlife
Steampunk Trails
Sabaska's Tale (Tales of the Travelers, #1)
Serpent Queen (Sky Yarns, #1)
Doc Vampire-Hunting Dog
The Airborne Years
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation
Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence (Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence)
Speech and Language-Based Interaction with Machines (Ellis Horwood books in information technology)
Progress in Artificial Intelligence
Implementations of PROLOG