13 books
Boundary Question Between the Republic of Guatemala and the Republic of Honduras, Under Mediation of the Honorable Secretary of State of the United St
Tratados Celebrados Por El Gobierno de Honduras Con Los de Nicaragua, Guatemala y El Salvador, y Aprobados Por La Asamblea Nacional Constituyente
Limites Entre Honduras y Nicaragua (1)
Codigo Penal. 1898
A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Phamacognosy
The Claim Instituted Before the Court of Justice of Central-American by the Government of Honduras Against the Government of the Republic of Guatemala with Regard to the Supposed Aid Afforded by the Latter to the Revolution Which Broke Out in Honduras
Limites Entre Honduras y Nicaragua; Alegato Presentado a Su Majestad Catolica El Rey de Espana En Calidad de Arbitro Por Los Representantes de La Repu
Cuestion de Limites Entre Honduras y Guatemala (3); Ventilada Ante El Gobierno Mediador de Los Estados Unidos de America
Boundary Question Between the Republic of Guatemala and the Republic of Honduras, Under Mediation of the Honorable Secretary of State of the United States of America;
Boundary Question Between the Republic of Guatemala and the Republic of Honduras Under Mediation of the Honorable Secretary of State of the
Jalan River Concession and Contract; Official Reports, Engineers Reports, ...
Reports of the Scientific Commission of the Republic of France on the Guayape and Jalan River Conces
The Works of William Chillingworth