16 books • 3 series
90th Anniversary Edition Shooting Star
Deadly Ransom (The Matt Davis, #5) (The Matt Davis Mystery, #5)
Some Poems by Joe
Broken Promises (The Matt Davis Mystery, #4)
Twice Bitten (The Matt Davis Mystery)
Opening Day (The Matt Davis Mystery)
Pau que nasce torto
A "Real" Man's Guide to Divorce (First, You Bend Over and...)
A Real Man's Guide To Divorce
Sing the Long Sorrow
Escaping Innocence
Escaping Innocence (A Story of Awakening) LARGE PRINT
As the Twig is Bent (LARGE PRINT)
As the Twig is Bent (The Matt Davis Mystery)
ESCAPING INNOCENCE (A Story of Awakening)
Gone Fishin' with Kids (Gone Fishin')