25 books
The Book of Christmas: Descriptive of the Customs, Ceremonies, Traditions, Superstitions, Fun (Large Text Classic Reprint)
The Star in the East (Classic Reprint)
Friendship's Offering, And, Winter's Wreath
The Devil's Progress
The Devil's Progress. a Poem
The Poems of Thomas Kibble Hervey (Classic Reprint)
The Book of Christmas - Scholar's Choice Edition
Friendship's Offering; A Literary Album. L.
The English Helicon; A Selection of Modern Poetry
Australia, with Other Poems
Friendship's Offering, Or, the Annual Remembrancer [Afterw.] Friendship's Offering, a Literary Album [Afterw.] Friendship's Offering; And Winter's Wreath. (Ed by T.K. Hervey) [And Others].
The Autobiography of Jack Ketch [By T.K. Hervey.].
The Poetical Sketch-Book, Including a 3rd Ed. of Australia
Illustrations of Modern Sculpture...
The Poetical Sketch-Book: Including a Third Edition of Australia (Classic Reprint)
Illustrations of Modern Sculpture; A Series of Engravings, with Descriptive Prose and Illustrative Poetry
Friendship's Offering; And Winter's Wreath a Christmas and New Year's Present
Friendship's Offering
Seventy-Six Seventy-Six
The Devil's Progress, a Poem, by the Editor of the 'Court Journal'.
The English Helicon
The Poetical Sketch-Book; Including a Third Edition of Australia
The Poems of Thomas Kibble Hervey