13 books
Process-Level, Time-Driven, Simulation of a Computer Network on a Parallel Shared-Memory Processor (Classic Reprint)
Review of Soviet Publications on Parallel Data Processing, 1978 1980 (Classic Reprint)
An Approach to Automating the Verification of Compact Parallel Coordination Programs II (Classic Reprint)
An Approach to Automating the Verification of Compact Parallel Coordination Programs, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
A Parallel Computer Implementation of the Ascend/Descend Types of Vector Algorithms (Classic Reprint)
Parallelizing an Algorithm of Charles S. Peskin for Describing Incompressible Flow of a Fluid, Coupled to an Elastic Membrane (Classic Reprint)
Verification of Several Parallel, Vol. 36
Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Juristentages (16 )
Verification of Several Parallel Coordination Programs Based on Descriptions of Their Reachability Sets
Review of Soviet Publications on Parallel Data Processing (1978-1980)
Process-Level, Time Driven, Simulation of a Computer Network on a Parallel Shared-Memory Processor
Parallelizing an Algorithm of Charles S. Peskin for Describing Incompressible Flow of a Fluid Coupled to an Elastic Membrane
Molecular Simulation of Equilibrium Properties. Parallel Implementation