25 books
Steam Boiler Explosions (Classic Reprint)
The Best Driving Wheel for Freight Engines
A Memoir of Zerah Colburn; Written by Himself. Containing an Account of the First Discovery of His Remarkable Powers; His Travels in America and Residence in Europe; A History of the Various Plans Devised for His Patronage; His Return to This Country, and t
Memoir of Zerah Colburn; Written by Himself: Containing an Account of the First Discovery of His Remarkable Powers; His Travels in America and Residence in Europe; A History of the Various Plans Devised for His Patronage; His Return to This Country; And t
The Locomotive Engine - Scholar's Choice Edition
Steam Boiler Explosions - Scholar's Choice Edition
Locomotive Engineering And the Mechanism of Railways
The locomotive engine including a description of its structure, rules for estimating its capabilities
Steam Boiler Explosions... - Primary Source Edition
Locomotive Engineering, and the Mechanism of Railways; A Treatise on the Principles and Construction of the Locomotive Engine, Railway Carriages, and Railway Plant ... Illustrated by Sixty-Four Large Engravings and Two Hundred Volume 1
A Memoir of Zerah Colburn; Written by Himself. Containing an Account of the First Discovery of His Remarkable Powers; His Travels in America and Res
The Waterworks of London; Together with a Series of Articles on Various Other Waterworks
An Inquiry Into the Nature of Heat; And Unto Its Mode of Action in the Phenomena of Combustion, Vaporisation, &C
The Waterworks of London, by Z. Colburn and W.H. Maw
The Locomotive Engine; Including a Description of Its Structure, Rules for Estimating Its Capabilities and Practical Observations on Its Construction and Management
An Inquiry Into the Nature of Heat, and Its Mode of Action in the Phenomena of Combustion, Vaporisation, Etc
A Memoir of Zerah Colburn; Written by Himself. Containing an Account of the First Discovery of His Remarkable Powers His Travels in America and Residence in Europe a History of the Various Plans Devised for His Patronage His Return to This Country, and Th
The Construction and Operation of Steam Engines for Locomotives
Elementary Class-Book of Physical Geography
The Waterworks of London
A Memoir of Zerah Colburn
A Memoir of Zerah Colburn; Written by Himself. Containing an Account of the First Discovery of His R
An Inquiry Into the Nature of Heat
Steam Boiler Explosions