About the Author Prince Anthony Adefarakan as he is popularly called is the M.D/CEO of Aquaton Konsults, Nigeria, West Africa. He is an experienced Fisheries Consultant with vast wealth of knowledge in matters relating to fish production. He has practically demonstrated artificial fish breeding, fish ponds construction, fish feeding, fish disease and management among other fish production techniques to a large number of farmers far and wide. In addition to training these farmers (some of which are students, retirees and investors), he has been personally involved in their business set up; providing the necessary resources to ensure their success. He was a lecturer at the Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba in Nigeria where he had the opportunity to impart the students on making a living out of fish production (with practical demonstrations on both the breeding processes and the nursery practices). In this handbook, he has clearly outlined practical steps towards achieving successful catfish seed production at both subsistence and commercial levels. And it is a Do-it-Yourself approach, hence no need for expert's supervision. He currently lives in Canada with his family.