15 books
Gerard David
Gerard David: Painter and Illuminator (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Historical Music Loan Exhibition, Albert Hall, London, June October, 1885
The Van Eycks and Their Art (Classic Reprint)
The Van Eycks and Their Art (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Catalogue Du Musée de l'Académie de Brugès
Hans Memlinc (Classic Reprint)
Hans Memlinc (Large Text Classic Reprint)
A descriptive catalogue of rare manscripts and printed books
Hierurgia or the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass V2
Hierurgia Or The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass V1
Bookbinginds and Rubbings of Bindings in the National Art Library South Kensington Museum
Historical Music Loan Exhibition, Albert Hall, London. June-Oct., 1885
Hubert and John Van Eyck, their life and work