25 books • 2 series
Summer of Love and the Rabid Geese
Rebuilding Romance From Ruins (Emberwood, #3)
Testing Recipes for Disaster (Emberwood, #2)
Finding Magic in Misfortune (Emberwood, #1)
Gem City
El crimen de la provincia de Cuenca
Can't Go a Day Without God
Mediterranean Diet Healthy Recipes
La conséquence de manger des donuts avec un garçon qui joue de la guitare
B is for Bunnies and Big Feelings
Quit smoking. Your target reached
La Torre
Esencia de Hierro
Dejar de fumar
Enough With The Bull
Where Gravel Roads Lead Home (Gem City, #5)
The Tower
What Comes Of Breaking Promises And Guitar Strings (Gem City, #2)
Willow the Angel Afraid of Heights
When the Time Comes to Light a Fire (Gem City, #4)
How One Attempts to Chase Gravity (Gem City, #3)
What Comes Of Eating Doughnuts With A Boy Who Plays Guitar (Gem City, #1)
Redemption for a Dark Soul
Salvation for a Dark Soul