David Singer, Author Married. 3 Children, 9 grandchildren. Languages spoken: English, Spanish. Countries lived in: Romania, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and The United States. Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York - BA. Central University of Venezuela school of Dentistry-Odontologo (equivalent to a DDS degree). Private Dental practice for over 40 years. Educator, communicator, lecturer, traveler, and now writer. Founder and editor for a Dental Newsletter "Exito Dental" in Caracas, Venezuela. Member of the ADA (American Dental Association). Educator in "English as a second Language", in the Centro Venezolano Americano, Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola, Academia Americana, and main participant in educating Dental Faculty members in English terminology in scientific journals in The Dental School of Universidad Central de Venezuela. Active in several community groups. Founder of Rotary Club Metropolitano, Caracas, Venezuela. Books published and or in process of publishing;