A long time ago, in an elementary school far, far away, a very young Kathleen Long scribbled a story idea in her journal. Then she wrote another, and another. She added several poems, the lyrics to a song or two, a love letter to David Cassidy, and so on and so on.

While her early writings never saw the light of day, many of her later works did. And while she didn’t end up with David Cassidy, Kathleen did marry her own Prince Charming. Together, they are raising one drama queen and one obedience-challenged border collie mix in a kingdom divided between suburban Philadelphia and the Jersey Shore.

The author of thirteen novels, Kathleen has been nominated for a RITA® and has won a RIO Award and two Gayle Wilson Awards of Excellence. Her additional honors include National Readers Choice, Holt Medallion, and Booksellers Best award nominations. She spends her time plotting her next book, bribing her little one to pick up her toys, and begging the dog to heel.