Clinton J. Boomer, known to his friends as Booms, resides in the quaint, leafy, idyllic paradise of Appleton, Wisconsin, with his wife, two cats, three children, and several moving boxes full of books & magazines. He began writing before the time of his own recollection, predominantly dictating stories to his ever-patient mother about fire monsters and ice monsters throwing children into garbage cans. Boomer is a writer, filmmaker, gamer, and bartender. He began gaming with the 1993 release of Planescape and has not taken a break since. He currently devotes a full 99.9% of his waking hours to thinking about fantasy adventure in general or about ninjas more specifically.Clinton J. Boomer, known to his friends as Booms, resides in the quaint, leafy, idyllic paradise of Appleton, Wisconsin, with his wife, two cats, three children, and several moving boxes full of books & magazines. He began writing before the time of his own recollection, predominantly dictating stories to his ever-patient mother about fire monsters and ice monsters throwing children into garbage cans. Boomer is a writer, filmmaker, gamer, and bartender. He began gaming with the 1993 release of Planescape and has not taken a break since. He currently devotes a full 99.9% of his waking hours to thinking about fantasy adventure in general or about ninjas more specifically.