15 books • 5 series
Gerard W. Hughes is author of God Of Surprises, God, Where Are You?, In Search Of A Way and Walk To Jerusalem. He now works on the development of a spirituality for people who are active in peace and justice work and is based in Birmingham.
God of Surprises
Attitudes Towards Funding of Long-term Care of the Elderly (ESRI Books & Monographs, #185)
Operating a Vineyard for Profit and Quality
Spiritual Exercises of St. Iquatius Loyola
God in All Things
Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Aristotle on Ethics (Routledge Philosophy GuideBooks)
Occupational Employment Forecasts 2005
God of Compassion
Occupational Forecasts for 1998 for Ireland and Their Implications for Educational Qualifications
International Perspectives on Supplementary Pensions
The Nature of God (Problems of Philosophy)
The Irish Civil Service Superannuation Scheme (General research)
Disability Benefit Reform (Policy research, No 8)
Payroll Tax Incidence (General research)