Jeff Cioletti's tenure in liquid literacy has exposed him to some of the best libations the world has to offer and given him access to the producers and purveyors of such fine refreshments. He combines his love of drink with a passion for travel and one usually involves the other.

He served for fourteen years as an editor at Beverage World magazine, including eight years as editor in chief. He's also the author of the books, "The Drinkable Globe," "The Year of Drinking Adventurously" and "Beer FAQ."

Jeff is the founder of and host of The Drinkable Globe Podcast. He's a frequent contributor to publications including Artisan Spirit Magazine, Beverage Media, BevNet, Beverage Industry, The Takeout, SevenFifty Daily and Additionally, he's certified as an International Kikisake-shi (sake sommelier) by Sake Service Institute International and the winner of four North American Guild of Beer Writers awards.