44 books • 11 series
Grizzly Wolf
Money Games
Nameless Man
Silent Warehouse
Red Survivor
The Hikers
Dead Man's Fear (Dead Man's War, #2)
Monster Country (Monster Country Genizyz, #1) (Parry Peters Chronicles, #1)
Monkey House
Dead Man's Game (Dead Man's War, #1)
Ready Shooter (Containment Team, #1)
Enemy in the Shadows (War of the Fathers, #3)
Dark Spectrum (Jake Ramsey Thrillers, #2)
Blood Games
The Containment Team
Lord of the Inferno (War of the Fathers, #2)
Blood of the Redd Guard
Black Brick (Jake Ramsey Thrillers, #1)
War of the Fathers (War of the Fathers Series Box Set, #1) (War of the Fathers, #1)