Major interests:

Professionally, Jack enjoys writing and conducting market research in the field of wireless communications. Jack is a workaholic who personally writes all of Micrologic Research's market studies. In his free time, Jack enjoys traveling (even business trips), hiking, bicycling, listening to classical and folk music, and reading good literature. He speaks fluent German, fluent Spanish and conversational French. He is a competitive licensed bicycle racer.


Jack held a variety of unusual jobs after graduating from high school in Johnstown, Pennsylvania including a job as a translator in a vacation resort in Spain, a stint in the Swedish Merchant Marine, and another as a civilian electrician working for the British Army on the Rhine in Hannover, Germany. When he returned to the U.S., he worked his way through Arizona State University as a disk jockey and then spent a year in graduate school studying German literature at the University of Washington in Seattle. Jack returned to Phoenix where he supervised a quality control department at Motorola Semiconductors before teaching communications and digital electronics for eight years at the Phoenix campus of DeVry University. From DeVry he went to work for In-Stat in Scottsdale, Arizona in 1990, where he began the company’s original microprocessor service. Jack left In-Stat in 1992 to found Micrologic Research. He recently completed four years of undergraduate studies in the French language, which included one year at Stendhal University in Grenoble, France.


In addition to having authored almost 20 book-length market studies in the fields of programmable processors and wireless communications for Micrologic Research and dozens of shorter studies while at In-Stat, Jack has authored two textbooks, which are still used in many technical schools and colleges. The 6800 Microprocessor and Digital Data Communications.

Licenses and organizations:

Jack holds both commercial and amateur extra class (W7KEI) radio operator’s licenses. He is a member of American Mensa, the Arizona Bicycling Club, Phoenix Consumers Cycle Club, and USA Cycling.