39 books • 12 series
Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes, and Mites; The Ecology and Natural History of Woodlice, Myriapods, and Arachnids - Primary Source Edition
Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes and Mites
Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes, and Mites; The Ecology and Natural History of Woodlice, Myriapods, and Arachnids
Biology of Deserts
The Diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles
Predation and Defence Amongst Reptiles
The Nile Quest
Ecophysiology of Desert Arthropods and Reptiles (Adaptations of Desert Organisms)
Woodlands (Nature Guides)
Evolution & Adaptation of Terrestrial Arthropods
How to Begin the Study of Spiders (How to begin the study of..., #3)
British Naturalists' Association Guide to Woodlands
Sahara Desert (Key environments)
Biological Periodicities (Patterns of progress, #17)
Tooth and Claw
Biological Clocks (World Naturalist S.)
Form and Function in Animals (Patterns of progress, #10)
Why the Dinosaurs Became Extinct (Patterns of progress, #15)
Animal Migration
The Water and Temperature Relations of Woodlice (Patterns of progress)
The Size of Animals (Patterns of progress, #3)
Dietary Adaptations in Animals (Patterns of progress)
Evolutionary Trends in the Mating of Arthropoda (Patterns of progress)