Amy Barickman, founder and owner of Indygo Junction, Inc., and The Vintage Workshop, grew up in the retail crafting business and is today a leader in the quilt and clothing pattern craft industry. She started Indygo Junction in 1990 to showcase the talent of leading craft designers. Amy's knack for anticipating popular styles and trends has helped her discover and mentor fresh, new design talent. To date, she has worked with more than 25 artists, guiding them, through a unique partnership, to create with innovative materials. She began The Vintage Workshop in 2002 to create products that combine the timeless beauty of vintage artwork with the remarkable accessibility of the computer and inkjet printable materials. In Indygo Junction's Needle Felting, Amy has once again brought together a group of talented designers and introducted them to the fabulous crafting technique of needle felting. The resulting projects boast Indygo Junction's sophisticated style signature...handmade style for the creative spirit. Indygo Junction The Vintage Workshop