103 books • 6 series
Il Marescalco
The Ragionamenti, or Dialogues of the Divine Pietro Aretino; Literally Translated Into English. with a Reproduction of the Author's Portrait Engraved
Die Gespräche des göttlichen Pietro Aretino
Il Primo Libro Delle Lettere (1)
Sonetti Lussuriosi (Poesia, #37) (I Piccoli Blu, #16)
Die Gesprache Des Goettlichen Pietro Aretino (1)
Die Gesprache Des Goettlichen Pietro Aretino (2)
Dialogo nel quale la Nanna insegna a la Pippa
La Talanta
La Cortigiana
Dubbi Amorosi
Ragionamento della Nanna e della Antonia
The Ragionamenti, or Dialogues of the Divine Pietro Aretino; Literally Translated Into English. with a Reproduction of the Author's Portrait Engraved by Mark Antony Raimondi from the Picture of Titian Volume 2
Die Gesprache Des Gottlichen Pietro Aretino
The Works of Aretino
The Ragionamenti, or Dialogues of the Divine Pietro Aretino (Volume 3); Literally Translated Into English. with a Reproduction of the Author's Portrait Engraved by Mark Antony Raimondi from the Picture of Titian
Opere Di Pietro Aretino
Il Primo Libro Delle Lettere (2)
The Ragionamenti, or Dialogues of the Divine Pietro Aretino (Volume 5); Literally Translated Into English. with a Reproduction of the Author's Portrait Engraved by Mark Antony Raimondi from the Picture of Titian
The Ragionamenti, or Dialogues of the Divine Pietro Aretino (Volume 4); Literally Translated Into English. with a Reproduction of the Author's Portrait Engraved by Mark Antony Raimondi from the Picture of Titian
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