25 books • 2 series
Lone Star Blood
Tales Around the Supper Table- Volume 2
Luna City Compendium #3
The Luna City Compendium #2 (Collected Chronicles of Luna City, #2)
The Luna City Compendium #1 (Collected Chronicles of Luna City, #1)
Luna City Behind the 8 Ball (Chronicles of Luna City, #8)
Luna City Lucky Seven (Chronicles of Luna City, #7)
One Half Dozen of Luna City
Who's that Girl?
Lone Star Glory
A Fifth of Luna City (Chronicles of Luna City, #5)
Luna City IV (Chronicles of Luna City, #4)
The Difference Between You and Me
The Golden Road
Luna City 3.1 (Chronicles of Luna City, #3)
The Second Chronicle of Luna City
Don't Marry Thomas Clark
The Chronicles of Luna City
Sunset and Steel Rails
Lone Star Sons
The Quivera Trail
Deep in the Heart
To Truckee's Trail