Anthony Franco finds it very difficult to read blogs where the authors do nothing but talk about themselves, however, he does find it helpful to know about the author. So he will try to tell you about himself by talking about EffectiveUI.As a President of EffectiveUI, Anthony has the unique opportunity to listen to how companies like eBay, Adobe, Viacom, Microsoft, GE, Dow Jones, and Qwest and Nielsen think about the Internet & desktop software, and how innovative thinking can completely change the way they do business. EffectiveUI has had the opportunity to brainstorm new software for these companies (and others). They find themselves primarily developing using Adobe, Microsoft, and Apple platforms. They have, in fact, been able to establish themselves as a premium services partner for all 3 (they are an Apple development partner, a Microsoft gGlobal 20 Agency, and an Adobe gClub 6 Partner )However, EffectiveUI tries not to focus too much on the gtechnology h. Rather they focus on creating elegant interfaces that solve specific business goals, the technology is just the means to this end. They hope to be able to provide a little insight, and inspire discussion on the next generation of application design and development.