19 books • 4 series
Little Drummer
The Secret of the Runaway Servants (The Liberty Lads, #1)
Little Turncoat
Tories and Turncoats (Patriots of the American Revolution, #6)
Always Looking for a Home (Kentucky Frontier Adventures, #2)
Little Camp Follower (Patriot Kids of the American Revolution, #5)
Silas Moore
Immigrants and Patriots (Patriots of the American Revolution, #5)
Little Brother (Patriot Kids of the American Revolution, #4)
Soldiers and Martyrs (Patriots of the American Revolution, #4)
A Bucket Full of Courage (Kentucky Frontier Adventures, #1)
My Colonial Journal For Boys
My Colonial Journal For Girls
Frenchmen and Long Knives (Patriots of the American Revolution, #3)
Little Spy of Vincennes
Little Warrior
Partisans and Refugees (Patriots of the American Revolution, #2)
Little Hornet
Brothers and Warriors (Patriots of the American Revolution, #1)