25 books • 2 series
Pere Gimferrer is Spain's most acclaimed living writer, the author of more than thirty volumes of poetry, essays, and fiction published in Spanish and Catalan.
Pere Gimferrer
No En MIS Daias
Alma Venus
Apariciones y Otros Poemas
Amor En Vilo
Interludio Azul
Barcelona (Granta en Espanol)
Poemas 1962-1969
Itinerario de Un Escritor
Antologia Poetica
Raices de Miro, Las
Noche En El Ritz
Roots of Miro Foy Ds
The Roots of Mir O
Lautrec, Toulouse-
Toulouse-Lautrec (Art Monographs)
Giorgio De Chirico
De Chirico (Art Monographs)
Tapies and the Catalan Spirit
Magritte (Art Monographs)