67 books
The Givers and Other Stories
The Butterfly House
By the Light of the Soul
The Green Door
The Shoulders of Atlas
'Doc.' Gordon
The Wind in the Rose-Bush
The Adventures of Anne
The Portion of Labor (Classic Reprint)
The Pot of Gold: And Other Stories (Classic Reprint)
A Humble Romance, and Other Stories (Classic Reprint)
The Jamesons (Classic Reprint)
Understudies: Short Stories (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Decorative Plaques (Classic Reprint)
Comfort Pease and Her Gold Ring (Classic Reprint)
Young Lucretia and other stories. By Mary E. Wilkins. Illustrated by A.E. Sterner and others
The Love of Parson Lord, and other stories. Mary E. Wilkins
Jerome, a poor man; a novel. By
Pembroke. By
Silence, and other stories. By
Pembroke. A NOVEL by
The pot of gold, and other stories. ( collection of CHILDREN'S' short STORIES ) By
A New England Nun and Other Stories. By