27 books • 2 series
How to Create Viral Content
Pat Randolph Mysteries
Bien vivre sa vie
The Spirit Realm
1000 Year March
How to Live
Heaven and Below (The Spirit World Revealed to an Anglican Vicar, #1)
Spirits and the Spirit Universe
How we are Guided by Spirits (The Spirit World Revealed to an Anglican Vicar, #3)
Spiritism - Everything is Connected
The Spirit World Talks to Us
The Problem is the Solution
A Rat in My Tent
51 Disclosures from Spiritism - the 3rd Revelation
What Really Happens During Near Death Experiences, According to Spiritism
Explore Your Destiny
7 Tenets of Spiritism
The Case for Reincarnation
Spiritism 101
Traveller Education the Mainstream
Homicidal Humor (Homicidal Humor, #1)
Traveller Education the Mainstream: The Litmus Test
Including Gypsy, Roma & Traveller Pupils
Traveller Education in the Mainstream - the Litmus Test