Many of us are animal lovers. Most of us first became attracted to animals when we were small children. Such is the story of Rose Miller. Like many young girls, Rose was born with a deep love for all animals, but especially horses. When she was four, she announced to her bewildered parents that the family should move to a farm and raise horses! Several years later because of her dad's job, they did move to a Pennsylvania hill-top farm near Galeton, PA with cows, sheep, and chickens. Finally at fifteen, Rose got Smokey, her first horse. It would be many years later after getting married, moving to Elkhart, Indiana, adding four children to the family, and surviving a deadly tornado before Rose got her chance to raise, train, and show nationally acclaimed Tennessee Walking Horses. Accumulating dogs and cats was simply a part of life. Some fostered, adopted, or purchased, some kept and others re-homed, but all with a story to tell. Now nearly 40 years later, she has written about her Tennessee Walking Horses: The Horse That Wouldn't Trot, and after a trip down the Grand Canyon and acquiring her own mules: Mules, Mules and More Mules. The family sold their large Indiana horse farm in 2012, and Rose and her husband moved to Prescott, Arizona where she continued to write about the animals in her life. Dogs, Dogs and More Dogs is a tribute to all those dogs that love us with undying affection and fulfill our lives. The books are educational in a conversational style, but mainly written for the enjoyment of the reader. Recently Rose aided her husband, Dr Hal Miller, with The Gospel of Visitation, a book with inspiring stories from the Bible, second-hand accounts from magazines and books as well as personal narratives that share visitations from God and Jesus. A recent addition: Girls Can be Cowboys Too! is about the fascinating, sometimes dangerous, but always educational lives of Western women. Not all are on real ranches, and a couple live east of the Mississippi, but all have a devout love of the land and their animals. These ladies were interviewed and their story told in their own words. In her spare time Rose enjoys riding her favorite mule, Susie Q.