31 books
The Miser Married, Vol. 1 of 3: A Novel, in Three Volumes (Classic Reprint)
Oakwood Hall, a Novel, Vol. 1 of 3: Including a Description of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and a Part of South Wales (Classic Reprint)
The Miser Married, Vol. 3 of 3: A Novel (Classic Reprint)
The Miser Married, Vol. 2 of 3
Containing a Concise Account of All the Countries in That Quarter of the Globe, Hitherti Visited by Europeans, Vol. 2
The Tour of Africa, Vol. 3
Including a Description of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and a Part of South Wales, Vol. 2 of 3 (Classic Reprint)
The Welsh Mountaineer
Catherine Hutton and Her Friends - Primary Source Edition
The History of Birmingham - Primary Source Edition
The Miser Married Volume 1; A Novel
Oakwood Hall, a Novel; Including a Description of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and a Part of South Wales Volume 1
The Tour of Africa (Volume 2); Containing a Concise Account of All the Countries in That Quarter of the Globe, Hitherto Visited by Europeans with the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants
The Tour of Africa (Volume 3); Containing a Concise Account of All the Countries in That Quarter of the Globe, Hitherto Visited by Europeans with the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants
The Tour of Africa (Volume 1); Containing a Concise Account of All the Countries in the Quarter of the Globe, Hitherto Visited by Europeans with the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants
The Welsh Mountaineer; A Novel
The Tour of Africa
An History of Birmingham ... with a New Introduction by Christopher R. Erington. Fourth Edition
The Life of William Hutton, F.A.S.S.
Oakwood Hall
Oakwood Hall, a Novel (Volume 2)
The Tour of Africa. Containing a Concise Account of All the Countries in the Quarter of the Globe, Hitherto Visited by Europeans (Volume 1);
Oakwood Hall, a Novel (Volume 1)
The Life of William Hutton, Including a Particular Account of the Riots at Birmingham in 1791; To Wh