335 books • 1 series
8 Rules for Quick Changeover Poster
VSM Histogram Analysis (Spanish)
TPM Inspection Cards Set
5S Red Tags
The 5S's of Kaizen Poster
The Lean Mindset Poster
VSM: Data Boxes
Value Stream Mapping: Facilitator Guide
VSM Participant Workbook (Spanish)
VSM: Participant Workbook
TPM Participant Workbook
5S Office Version 1 Participant Workbook
VSM Office Workflow: Participant Workbook
Quick Changeover: Participant Workbook
5S Version 1 Participant Workbook
5S Standardize Poster (Spanish)
Straighten Poster
5S's of Lean Poster
Kaizen Mindset Poster
5S Office: Version 2 Participant Workbook
OEE Worksheet
Sort Poster
5S Auto Body: Facilitator Guide
Intro to Lean Supply Chain & Logistics Facilitator Guide