70 books • 9 series
The Moment of Christian Witness (Communio Books)
Our Task: a Report and a Plan (Communio Books)
The Theo-Drama: Theological Dramatic Theory
Light of the Word
Razing the Bastions
My Work: in Retrospect
Paul Struggles with His Congregation
The Theology of Karl Barth (Communio Book)
The Theology of Henri De Lubac
Unless You Become Like This Child
You Have Words of Eternal Life
Glory of the Lord : A Theological Aesthetics
Scandal of the Incarnation: Irenaeus against the Heresies
Mysterium Paschale (Ressourcement: retrieval & renewal in Catholic thought)
You Crown the Year with Your Goodness
Explorations in Theology
Christian Meditation
Dare We Hope That All Men be Saved
Mary for Today
Truth is Symphonic
The Office of Peter and the Structure of the Church